Happy new year to everyone! Hopefully 2011 will bring you nothing but good and happiness and stuff like that =)
I know that it still is a few hours untill the big moment, but I just thought I'd already post, because otherwise you might not read it on time. Not that that's such a big deal, but still.
I'm really exited to go live 2011 to the max, though I wish it would stay 2010 forever... I've had such a great time! The new year will probably be just as good, if not better, but with the whole emigrating thing coming up, having to miss my friends and family, and having to learn a new language and stuff, it will probably be a rough start. Even though it will be hard, I will still make this year the best one yet, and I'm hoping you guys will do the same, as, even though I don't know you, everyone, everyone, deserves a great life, so why not make a fresh start or at least just improve your current life? You could at least try, right? ;-)
For me, it will be a fresh start. Really fresh actually. I mean, I'm moving to Sweden... In The Middle Of The Winter. Woah.
But I guess everything happens for a reason, and probably I'll find the greatest friends there, so I will feel like I'm in Holland again. Oh well, I'll see..
Anyway, happy new year again, and make sure this is the best year you've had (yet!)!
xx Eva
vrijdag 31 december 2010
woensdag 29 december 2010
A post.
This post will contain a lot of different subjects, all too short for seperate posts, but (to me) important enought to post, just so you know ;) Now, let's get reading, shall we?
Christmas is over again.. (though we keep counting: it's the 5th day of christmas already!) How was yours? Mine was great, the first day my grandfather came over, through the snow(which was kind of scary, as he is 85 years old..), and he came home safe that evening as well. The next day, my parents, brother, sister and I went to see my grandmother, my uncle Daniël who we don't see that often, so that was great, and the "Waalwijkers" (my aunt Margit, uncle Mario, niece Isabella and nephews Emilio and Lorenzo, who happen to live in Waalijk), and my sister and I stayed there over night to go iceskating on the third day of christmas. The day after that we went home.
Another thing I wanted to tell you guys about is our "family blog". Because of us moving to Sweden and her awesome writing skills, my mother decided to start a blog. In this blog she writes about everything happening in this journey, major but also small things, and ofcourse some off-topic stuff to make everything a bit lighter. This is the blog: "The Blog."
It is written in Dutch however, just so you know.
Oh, and me and my sister might sometimes write small pieces, but the biggest part of the blog is made by my mom.
Something else I'm really happy about, but which I forget to post each and every time (and don't know where to put..) is the fact that I don't have to go to my Dutch classes anymore! I argued that it would be useless, since I don't need them anymore, as I will have to speak Swedish in Sweden (duh..). Since my teachers could understand this, they decided that I was allowed to study Swedish (which my parents bought a kind of class for, with which you can teach yourself Swedish, if you know what I mean..) in a quiet space. This was another problem, because even though we have these big halls used for working quietly throughout the whole school, those usually are very noisy. Still, I decided to try to work there, and with my ipod it really isn't that big a deal (the noise, that is.) Now I finally get to learn Swedish, just in time before the whole emigrating thing!
Ok, a bit late actually. We finally have our leaving date: the first of february! It is coming closer everyday, and I'm amazed how quick every day passes now we know when we are leaving. Oh well, I guess I just have to make sure this last month will be worth it!
This was pretty much all I wanted to tell you guys right now, but there's just one more thing: My favourite songs right now! Here they are:
Nanga ti feo - Camila
Love you forever - Ryan Huston
Close your eyes - Raccoon
Guess what? I just thought of something else I want to share with you guys: I'M GOING TO LEARN TO PLAY THE DRUMS!!! Well, at least I'm allowed to, the moment we feel at home in Sweden, and when I can place it into my life, so it may take a while before I will start, but when I do, you guys will be the first to know!
That really was it, and I hope you all have a wonderfull chrismas break!
xx Eva
This post will contain a lot of different subjects, all too short for seperate posts, but (to me) important enought to post, just so you know ;) Now, let's get reading, shall we?
Christmas is over again.. (though we keep counting: it's the 5th day of christmas already!) How was yours? Mine was great, the first day my grandfather came over, through the snow(which was kind of scary, as he is 85 years old..), and he came home safe that evening as well. The next day, my parents, brother, sister and I went to see my grandmother, my uncle Daniël who we don't see that often, so that was great, and the "Waalwijkers" (my aunt Margit, uncle Mario, niece Isabella and nephews Emilio and Lorenzo, who happen to live in Waalijk), and my sister and I stayed there over night to go iceskating on the third day of christmas. The day after that we went home.
Another thing I wanted to tell you guys about is our "family blog". Because of us moving to Sweden and her awesome writing skills, my mother decided to start a blog. In this blog she writes about everything happening in this journey, major but also small things, and ofcourse some off-topic stuff to make everything a bit lighter. This is the blog: "The Blog."
It is written in Dutch however, just so you know.
Oh, and me and my sister might sometimes write small pieces, but the biggest part of the blog is made by my mom.
Something else I'm really happy about, but which I forget to post each and every time (and don't know where to put..) is the fact that I don't have to go to my Dutch classes anymore! I argued that it would be useless, since I don't need them anymore, as I will have to speak Swedish in Sweden (duh..). Since my teachers could understand this, they decided that I was allowed to study Swedish (which my parents bought a kind of class for, with which you can teach yourself Swedish, if you know what I mean..) in a quiet space. This was another problem, because even though we have these big halls used for working quietly throughout the whole school, those usually are very noisy. Still, I decided to try to work there, and with my ipod it really isn't that big a deal (the noise, that is.) Now I finally get to learn Swedish, just in time before the whole emigrating thing!
Ok, a bit late actually. We finally have our leaving date: the first of february! It is coming closer everyday, and I'm amazed how quick every day passes now we know when we are leaving. Oh well, I guess I just have to make sure this last month will be worth it!
This was pretty much all I wanted to tell you guys right now, but there's just one more thing: My favourite songs right now! Here they are:
Nanga ti feo - Camila
Love you forever - Ryan Huston
Close your eyes - Raccoon
Guess what? I just thought of something else I want to share with you guys: I'M GOING TO LEARN TO PLAY THE DRUMS!!! Well, at least I'm allowed to, the moment we feel at home in Sweden, and when I can place it into my life, so it may take a while before I will start, but when I do, you guys will be the first to know!
That really was it, and I hope you all have a wonderfull chrismas break!
xx Eva
vrijdag 17 december 2010
Paris Memories # 246
Lovelovelove this polish! It's a very pretty brown, with glitters, and it's opaque in 2 layers! It's a loverly winter color, and I think I will be wearing this one very often. It was about 2 euros, so that's very cheap for such a great polish!
As you can see on the picture, I clipped my nails, and they still feel short, though this pic was taken 2 weeks ago.. Oh well, they'll grow again! (They better..)
xx Eva
donderdag 16 december 2010
3 2 go update.
I was planning on doing this post a couple of days ago, but I forgot.. Sorry..
I'm really happy with this update though, as I didn't have any inspiration to write today again, and suddenly remembered I still had to do this =)
The products still in the race last time, were:
- Andrélon perfecte puntjes
- Dove body butter
- The Body Shop Mango Scrub
And now, I proudly present to you, the empty packaging of:
TBS mango body scrub!
I had mixed feelings when finishing this product: I really liked it, but also really wanted to finish it, but also didn't want to have to buy it again as I already have so many products, but also I wanted to buy it again to be able to use it again..
In the end I decided I was happy with finishing it, and, it's yet another item less to move to Sweden! Oh, and botg of my parents told me that there is a Body Shop close to where we're going to live, so that's no problem =)
Ofcourse the scrub has to be replaced in order for this thing to be called 3 2 go, and the product replacing it is:
I love... mango&papaya
This is a showergel/bubble bath'er, and as you can see I used it a few times already, both to shower with and to make a bubble bath with. It smells great, very sweet, and you get a lot of bubbles from it! I got it for free at the VIP evening at the Douglas, and I believe it costs between €3.95 and €6.95, so it's quite cheap, especially when you see that there is half a liter in the bottle! I believe it won't be a problem to finish this product ;-)
Oh, one more thing I wanted to say, but which isn't really supposed to be here as it's not on the 3 2 go...
My grandmother gave me her I-pod Shuffle!! =) I'm really happy about this, as I'm saving up for an I-pod touch, and this makes my life manageable untill I can buy it! Gotta love my granny ^^
xx Eva
I was planning on doing this post a couple of days ago, but I forgot.. Sorry..
I'm really happy with this update though, as I didn't have any inspiration to write today again, and suddenly remembered I still had to do this =)
The products still in the race last time, were:
- Andrélon perfecte puntjes
- Dove body butter
- The Body Shop Mango Scrub
And now, I proudly present to you, the empty packaging of:
TBS mango body scrub!
I had mixed feelings when finishing this product: I really liked it, but also really wanted to finish it, but also didn't want to have to buy it again as I already have so many products, but also I wanted to buy it again to be able to use it again..
In the end I decided I was happy with finishing it, and, it's yet another item less to move to Sweden! Oh, and botg of my parents told me that there is a Body Shop close to where we're going to live, so that's no problem =)
Ofcourse the scrub has to be replaced in order for this thing to be called 3 2 go, and the product replacing it is:
I love... mango&papaya
This is a showergel/bubble bath'er, and as you can see I used it a few times already, both to shower with and to make a bubble bath with. It smells great, very sweet, and you get a lot of bubbles from it! I got it for free at the VIP evening at the Douglas, and I believe it costs between €3.95 and €6.95, so it's quite cheap, especially when you see that there is half a liter in the bottle! I believe it won't be a problem to finish this product ;-)
Oh, one more thing I wanted to say, but which isn't really supposed to be here as it's not on the 3 2 go...
My grandmother gave me her I-pod Shuffle!! =) I'm really happy about this, as I'm saving up for an I-pod touch, and this makes my life manageable untill I can buy it! Gotta love my granny ^^
xx Eva
zaterdag 11 december 2010
What I want my new room to look like.
Sorry I didn't post for a long time (again..), but so much has happened the past few days! We bought a house, we sold our own house, and we're all going crazy because of the stress and things which have to be done in such a short time..
But anyway, here's a post ^^
As the title already says, this post will be about what I want my new room to look like. I don't know what my new room is like right now, I don't have any measurements, but I have this perfect room in mind, which I wanted to share.
I want to have turquoise, white and black walls, and that will be the theme of my whole room. Also, I want to have some silver/gray accents, just for the sophisticated look. We will move our current furniture with us, which doesn't matter to me, as my chair is black and my bed is white. My only problem is my desk, as it is made of wood and thus brown.. Also, it is very wobbly, so actually I hope we will leave it behind so I can pick a new one there!
What I would also love is a kind of cupboard, with glass at the front so you can see what's inside, and then gather a Swarovski collection to put inside, as I love Swarovski and want to have something like that to display.
Something else I would like to have in my room, is a really soft, taupe carpet, just because I like soft things ^^
I am also planning to buy a few photo frames, to put on my wall in a contrasting color, so for example, white photo frames on my turquoise wall or something like that.
Also, I want to buy many pillows, to put on my bed, and which I can put on the ground when a lot of people are over and want to sit. But then again, I would have to buy very large pillows, so I'm still thinking of how to compromise.
The last thing I could think of were some candles, silver, white, black and turquoise ones, maybe a few jade green as an accent, but I'm not sure about that yet. These candles I would put in groups, maybe on ornamental silver plates or something, because that makes the room very cozy.
Well, that's all you're gonna get today!
If you have ideas for my room, please post a comment.
xx Eva
Sorry I didn't post for a long time (again..), but so much has happened the past few days! We bought a house, we sold our own house, and we're all going crazy because of the stress and things which have to be done in such a short time..
But anyway, here's a post ^^
As the title already says, this post will be about what I want my new room to look like. I don't know what my new room is like right now, I don't have any measurements, but I have this perfect room in mind, which I wanted to share.
I want to have turquoise, white and black walls, and that will be the theme of my whole room. Also, I want to have some silver/gray accents, just for the sophisticated look. We will move our current furniture with us, which doesn't matter to me, as my chair is black and my bed is white. My only problem is my desk, as it is made of wood and thus brown.. Also, it is very wobbly, so actually I hope we will leave it behind so I can pick a new one there!
What I would also love is a kind of cupboard, with glass at the front so you can see what's inside, and then gather a Swarovski collection to put inside, as I love Swarovski and want to have something like that to display.
Something else I would like to have in my room, is a really soft, taupe carpet, just because I like soft things ^^
I am also planning to buy a few photo frames, to put on my wall in a contrasting color, so for example, white photo frames on my turquoise wall or something like that.
Also, I want to buy many pillows, to put on my bed, and which I can put on the ground when a lot of people are over and want to sit. But then again, I would have to buy very large pillows, so I'm still thinking of how to compromise.
The last thing I could think of were some candles, silver, white, black and turquoise ones, maybe a few jade green as an accent, but I'm not sure about that yet. These candles I would put in groups, maybe on ornamental silver plates or something, because that makes the room very cozy.
Well, that's all you're gonna get today!
If you have ideas for my room, please post a comment.
xx Eva
donderdag 2 december 2010
3 2 go
Today the update for the 3 2 go.
Actually I planned this for yesterday, but as I nearly finished a product by then, I decided to postpome it to today.
Let's get started!
The product I just finished a few minutes ago, was my Dove daily exfoliating shower scrub!
I am sooo happy I finished this! I mean, it was not that I didn't like the product or anything, but after using it a lot, the smell began to disturb me. I really liked it at first, but after a while the smell became rather boring, and I really wanted to use different products, so when I finished this, I honestly was relieved.
Well, as I finished this, it has to be replaced. And the product replacing is...
Andrélon Perfecte Puntjes Shampoo! There are little water beads all over the bottle, as I just used it, but nevermind. I really like this shampoo, as it smells nice and does its job (cleaning my hair, that is.). The only reason why I want to use this up, is because then I can use my Karma Komba from Lush without feeling guilty about neglecting this bottle. Yeah... Oh well ^^
I have also made some progress with my other two products, the Dove Body Butter and the The Body Shop Mango Scrub:
Well, that's it for today, soon I will post another nail of the week article, and maybe something on Sweden or such.
xx Eva
Today the update for the 3 2 go.
Actually I planned this for yesterday, but as I nearly finished a product by then, I decided to postpome it to today.
Let's get started!
The product I just finished a few minutes ago, was my Dove daily exfoliating shower scrub!
I am sooo happy I finished this! I mean, it was not that I didn't like the product or anything, but after using it a lot, the smell began to disturb me. I really liked it at first, but after a while the smell became rather boring, and I really wanted to use different products, so when I finished this, I honestly was relieved.
Well, as I finished this, it has to be replaced. And the product replacing is...
Andrélon Perfecte Puntjes Shampoo! There are little water beads all over the bottle, as I just used it, but nevermind. I really like this shampoo, as it smells nice and does its job (cleaning my hair, that is.). The only reason why I want to use this up, is because then I can use my Karma Komba from Lush without feeling guilty about neglecting this bottle. Yeah... Oh well ^^
I have also made some progress with my other two products, the Dove Body Butter and the The Body Shop Mango Scrub:
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Before.. |
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after! |
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Before.. |
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After! |
Well, that's it for today, soon I will post another nail of the week article, and maybe something on Sweden or such.
xx Eva
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