Maybe this post is a little late, as spring officially started yesterday already, but it was just today that I found that being outside isn't that bad! Well, if you know you can go inside anytime you want that is, but that's not important.
What ís important, is that it is spring!!! I love summertime, and spring is a great start, especially if you just 'enjoyed' a winter with -21 degrees celcius outside..
Imagine my joy when I saw the snow was melting!
When I was at school today, and we had a break, my friends and I immediately went outside. Usually we just go to the cafeteria and talk or play poker or something like that, but the weather was só good that we just stayed outside, talking, running around the schoolyard without any reason (and when I run, there usually has to be a VERY good reason), and just enjoying spring. Though it isn't really warm yet, it is só good to feel the sun on your skin, while already thinking ahead of even better times, where the snow is totally gone and where the sky is blue and where the birds sing...
Honestly, everything in life seems so much better when she sun shines bright and warm!
It's just too bad that it takes a while for the winter to completely change into summer, how awesome would it be if we would wake up tomorrow to 25 degrees celcius, just to get up and change into shorts and a cute tshirt, and then enjoy whatever the day brings, as it doesn't really matter, as life's great as it is!
Oh well, I'll just have to be patient I guess..
xx Eva