I just found my blog again, and feel very much ashamed for abandoning it.
A lot has changed in the past 1.5 year, so it might be of use for me to introduce myself again.
My name is Eva, I am 17 years old and I (still) live in Sweden. Tomorrow I will have finished the first out of my three years of studying the IB (International Baccalaureate) Programme, and that will give me time for the other important things in my life: I namely have a job, and a new hobby!
I work for Shawn Maloney, a vision researcher, as a linguistic transcriber - that is what I call my job at least, hopefully that is the right term - where my job is to read research papers out loud and record them, in order for them to be listened to and thereby help the research.
My new hobby is playing the drums! I've wanted to play for a long time, and about 2 months ago I finally got started. So far I have only had 6 classes, and because of summerbreak I won't have any more classes until the end of August, but it's been a great experience so far! I even started playing in a band.. Our singer cannot sing, out guitarist can't really play the guitar, and as I said I've only just started playing the drums... Luckily our base player is awesome. It's a fun thing to be part of, even if we're not quite good (or even acceptable) yet!
Some oher things that have happened since I last posted on my blog, are that my boyfriend and I broke up, I had a new relationship that didn't last long, and after that there's been a few dates here and there, but nothing notorious. I did, however, meet tons of new people, and I have made a lot of new friends whom I love! I now have a clearer view of what the coming years of my life might look like, which is a very nice feeling.
I feel like I have grown a lot as a person since 2012, and I am grateful for all the opportunities I have had (and taken!). A lot of positive things have come my way, and I enjoy life a lot more now that I used to.
There also are some things that have not changed, though. I still very much enjoy polishing my nails, I wear thick eyeliner as always, and I still have the same awkward sense of humor. Danai and I still religiously send each other letters every month, and even though I have only seen her twice since I've moved, we are close as ever!
Now I believe it is time to share a few pictures to give you an idea of what my life is currently like.
Some of my more recent creations.
Schoolwork... |
...and the people making the work bearable! |
My dogs, a lot bigger but cute as ever. |
Isn't it gorgeous? |
And finally, two pictures of me. |
Well, I believe these are the most important things that I want to share with you today. I'm hoping to remember to update my blog more frequently from now on, as a type of memoir I'd say.
Hopefully you've enjoyed this post to some extent! Have a lovely day.
xx Eva