donderdag 20 juni 2013


Oh my, what a busy time I've had so far this summerbreak. Monday I started my summer job at a daycare center. Turns out little kids love me, and I'm not particularly a fan of theirs.
The job is SO BORING. All I do all day is play with the kids, and when that's not an option I just awkwardly sit and watch them play, as I am not allowed to use my phone or anything (I got yelled at, one of my very first days, it was an unpleasant experience)...
Things that do make it worth it, however, are having some cute kid falling asleep on you, being taken somewhere with a child hanging on to your thumb for dear life, and having little boys crushing on you (look at the little bouquet I received!)
Doesn't that just make you melt?
Besides daycare I've had a lovely time. The weather is really nice, and I have talked to my friends a lot. Nothing superspecial quite yet this summer, but I've got the feeling that interesting things are about to happen!

Tomorrow I've got the day off from work because in Sweden the summer solstice is celebrated nationally. I'm hoping to find something to do tomorrow, but we'll see! One thing that will happen, is that me and my brother are going for a run in the morning. That should be interesting, seeing how I have no stamina whatsoever...

Well, I'm off doing useful stuff now. Hopefully my summer will continue the way it is right now (minus the boring job part, that is), and may yours be even better.

xx Eva

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